About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions. It works with the body’s resources and has very few side effects, making it safe for the vast majority of patients, regardless of concurrent health conditions. Acupuncture treatments can benefit everyone, including children, seniors and pregnant women.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, single-use needles into strategic points to initiate change in the body. Because acupuncture relies on the connections in your body, the points may not always be directly in the problem area. Therefore, your acupuncturist may also use a combination of needles and other modalities such as cupping, Gua sha (manual muscle work), electro-acupuncture or ear acupuncture.


As with all therapies, acupuncture often requires several treatments to resolve an issue. Each patient will require an individual timeline, but an average “course of treatment” is generally between 6-10 treatments, with improvements starting within the first few sessions. Women’s health complaints are often assessed over a minimum of three cycles. Chronic conditions will often require a longer treatment time, but usually, after an initial course of treatment, your acupuncturist can establish a maintenance plan.


What does acupuncture treat?

  • Pain: Musculoskeletal conditions, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Sports Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Whiplash Disorders, Arthritis, Neurological Pain, and Consequences of Stroke
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Women’s Health: Fertility Issues, Menstrual Pain and Irregularities, Menopause, Pregnancy Symptoms, Birth Prep and Inductions, Threatened Miscarriage
  • Stress/Emotional issues: Daily Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Grief, Addictions
  • Ear, Nose and Throat: Common Colds, Sore Throats, Sinusitis, Seasonal Allergies, Asthma, Tinnitus, Tooth and Jaw Pain
  • Digestion: Indigestion, Acid reflux, Constipation/Diarrhea, Problems with Appetite
  • Skin and dermatological conditions


What to Expect from a Treatment?

When patients come in for acupuncture treatments, one can expect to spend the first few minutes in consultation. The therapist will discuss your history and symptoms and how acupuncture can help. The acupuncturist may also take your pulse, measure your blood pressure and perform other relevant examination procedures crucial to determining your state of health. Next, a course of treatment may be recommended detailing points that may be used as well as other adjunctive techniques such as electro, Tui Na (Chinese massage), or cupping. The needles used are extremely fine and are for one-time use only, thus ensuring safe and sterile protocols. Many patients report not feeling the needles’ insertion or discomfort during the treatment. Subsequent treatments may include more assertive work with cupping, which targets the fascial tissue and some patients feel a sense of calm, peace and clarity after treatments. Acupuncture may also contribute to the overall effectiveness of recovery when done in conjunction with Chiropractic and Massage Therapy.


How is this different from Intra-Muscular-Stimulation (IMS) and Dry needling?

Acupuncture, dry needling, and IMS are all very similar in that they all use fine-tipped needles to stimulate specific points in the body. Traditional acupuncture targets specific meridian points that connect the fascial system that communicates and convey pain messages from one location to the next within the body.


Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive, alternative approach to pain management that is a proven complement to other treatment modalities and techniques. Call us today to book an appointment to see how acupuncture can help you achieve better health and wellness!


Acupuncture new Westminster